Malak Yacout

Dialogue with 10 Nabrawy

Published in 2018 (Weimar, Germany), English (with some German and Arabic excerpts), No ISBN, 216 Pages, Limited Edition of 5. 

This research for a very site-specific work, DIALOGUE WITH 10 NABRAWY, questions our relationship - or “dialogue” - with sites, architecturally, semiologically, ontologically, politically, and in art. It does not pretend to have all the answers, but rather explores the various possibilities of what such a hypothesis might mean.

1 Prologue
1.1 10 Nabrawy
1.2 (Un)titled, Neustädterstrasse, Kronprinzenpalaisisch, Along the Train Tracks
2 Dialogue with 10 Nabrawy
2.1 Dialogues In Public Space: Content
2.2 Dialogues With The Space: Installation Dialogue About The Dialogue: Re-presentation
3 Theory
3.1 Sociality of Buildings: Architecture & Construction
3.2 Interpretation, Language And “The Linguistic Turn”
3.3 Matter, Mattering And Materiality
3.4 The Other: Dialogue As Political Philosophy
3.5 Site-specific Art And Dialogue
4 Epilogue
5 Notes
6 Thanks
7 References
8 Text Appendix
8.1 Mail
8.2 Selected Interview Transcripts
9 Declaration of Honor

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 🇵🇸 We Will Not Stand by in Silence: ︎︎︎ Read the Statement & Add your Name to the Signatories ✦ 🇵🇸 Read the latest text by Karim Kattan, At the Threshold of Humanity: Gaza is not an Abstraction ✦ 🇵🇸 Visit our page Resources for Palestine for a compilation of texts, films, podcasts, statements and ways to donate. Arab Artists Now: Moving Memory Open Call for Artists
🇵🇸 We Will Not Stand by in Silence:  ︎︎︎ Read the Statement & Add your Name to the Signatories🇵🇸 Read the latest text by Karim Kattan, At the Threshold of Humanity: Gaza is not an Abstraction  ✦  🇵🇸 Visit our page Resources for Palestine for a compilation of texts, films, podcasts, statements and ways to donate. Arab Artists Now: Moving Memory Open Call for Artists  ✦