CALYPSO36°21 collective: Sanaa Zaghoud, Justine Daquin, Zoé Le Voyer & Manon Bachelier
On drifting
Published in 2020 (Morocco), English, French & Arabic, ISBN- 9791069965256, 256 Pages, Limited Edition of 400.
On drifting is a participative lexicon imagined and produced by the collective Calypso36o21, as part of the curatorial research program Out.of.the.blue.map. This lexicon brings together contributions made by a multitude of humans whose work summons, explores and questions the dominant and Euro-centric representations of borderscapes in the Mediterranean. Poets, jurists, sailors, artists, architects, researchers, writers, activists, philosophers, political scientists, have collaborated since 2018 with Calypso36o21 for the creation of this edition. On drifting is a collective response, a speculative gesture. String games between the shores of the Mediterranean. On drifting responds to the urgent need to rethink knowledge production processes, by experimenting with the creation of an inclusive, shared, and multiple archive. Through the images and texts it gathers, the lexicon navigates through territories prey to liminality, a state of in-betweenness, punctuated by ruptures and thresholds.
*All sales are donated to SOS Méditerranée
Contributors: Mehdi Alioua (MA) George Bajalia Medine Altiok (DE) Avalanche (Anyoji Beltrando, KH Studio, TVK) Calypso36°21 (MA, FR) Baptiste de Ville d'Avray Bad Hammami (MA) Ann Epoudry Simohammed Fettaka (MA) Pauline Fischer (DE) Karin Fischnaller Moira Hille William Kutz Alice Loumeau Erri de Luca Randa Maroufi (MA) Ariane Masson Malik Nejmi (MA) Reuben Yemoh Odoi Nuria Ribas Costa Vice Amiral (2S) Thierry Rousseau Arpad Szakolczai Ala Tannir Taina Tervonen Sébastien Thiéry (PEROU) Cédric Vallé.
To mediterrane - Right - Waiting area - Article 37 - Detention of foreigners - Border re-driving Mediterranean Sea - Rif - Harragas - Hrague - Faire l'aventure - Penal provisions Found objects, Lost paradises - Article 51 - Barbed wires - October 6th, 2005 - The Blue Son of the sea - Water stream - Queue - Office no5 - Turnstile - Border - Bordering International area - Warehouses - Bundle - Avalanche / Invasion - Transit scene Border / Breakdown - TangerMed as an island - Marginal zone - Margin - Liquid earth Territorial waters - Innocent passage - Travellers - Contiguous zone - Alboran Sea Borderland - Mittelmeerland - Circularity in the Mediterranean Sea - The sea - Seafarers Sat phone- Right of access - Boat - Law of the sea - Search And Rescue zone - Grey zone August 13th, 2017 - June 28th, 2018 - MAYDAY - Sea Rescue - Targets - Guest - Watch Golden hour - Respite - Short time - Long time - Tramping - Backwash - Uncertainty Navigation - Orthodromy - Route - Admiral - Astrolabe - A book of excursions into faraway lands - Stultifera Navis - Liminal state - Diluted - Permanent liminal litter - Abyss - Calypso Deep - Blood in the water - Sea debris - The missing - Wandering - Limbo - Permanent liminality - Strait of Gibraltar - Sabratah - Black Mediterranean - Europa Point - Afrotunnel Motoscafi blu - Jetski - Ghost(ed) ship - Daymark.- Stand-off - Moralscape - Crisis - About the cracks - A boat (for the Mediterranean) - Mapping liquid traces - Heaving line - Gangway Boza ! - Landing - The land - Port of call - Hotspot - Migrant - Asylum seeker - Transmigration
Illegalized migrant - Refugee - Waraq - Eurodac - Dubliners - Fingerprint - Liminal entities
Blue-feet hybridity - Permanent liminality
On drifting
Published in 2020 (Morocco), English, French & Arabic, ISBN- 9791069965256, 256 Pages, Limited Edition of 400.
On drifting is a participative lexicon imagined and produced by the collective Calypso36o21, as part of the curatorial research program Out.of.the.blue.map. This lexicon brings together contributions made by a multitude of humans whose work summons, explores and questions the dominant and Euro-centric representations of borderscapes in the Mediterranean. Poets, jurists, sailors, artists, architects, researchers, writers, activists, philosophers, political scientists, have collaborated since 2018 with Calypso36o21 for the creation of this edition. On drifting is a collective response, a speculative gesture. String games between the shores of the Mediterranean. On drifting responds to the urgent need to rethink knowledge production processes, by experimenting with the creation of an inclusive, shared, and multiple archive. Through the images and texts it gathers, the lexicon navigates through territories prey to liminality, a state of in-betweenness, punctuated by ruptures and thresholds.
*All sales are donated to SOS Méditerranée
Contributors: Mehdi Alioua (MA) George Bajalia Medine Altiok (DE) Avalanche (Anyoji Beltrando, KH Studio, TVK) Calypso36°21 (MA, FR) Baptiste de Ville d'Avray Bad Hammami (MA) Ann Epoudry Simohammed Fettaka (MA) Pauline Fischer (DE) Karin Fischnaller Moira Hille William Kutz Alice Loumeau Erri de Luca Randa Maroufi (MA) Ariane Masson Malik Nejmi (MA) Reuben Yemoh Odoi Nuria Ribas Costa Vice Amiral (2S) Thierry Rousseau Arpad Szakolczai Ala Tannir Taina Tervonen Sébastien Thiéry (PEROU) Cédric Vallé.
To mediterrane - Right - Waiting area - Article 37 - Detention of foreigners - Border re-driving Mediterranean Sea - Rif - Harragas - Hrague - Faire l'aventure - Penal provisions Found objects, Lost paradises - Article 51 - Barbed wires - October 6th, 2005 - The Blue Son of the sea - Water stream - Queue - Office no5 - Turnstile - Border - Bordering International area - Warehouses - Bundle - Avalanche / Invasion - Transit scene Border / Breakdown - TangerMed as an island - Marginal zone - Margin - Liquid earth Territorial waters - Innocent passage - Travellers - Contiguous zone - Alboran Sea Borderland - Mittelmeerland - Circularity in the Mediterranean Sea - The sea - Seafarers Sat phone- Right of access - Boat - Law of the sea - Search And Rescue zone - Grey zone August 13th, 2017 - June 28th, 2018 - MAYDAY - Sea Rescue - Targets - Guest - Watch Golden hour - Respite - Short time - Long time - Tramping - Backwash - Uncertainty Navigation - Orthodromy - Route - Admiral - Astrolabe - A book of excursions into faraway lands - Stultifera Navis - Liminal state - Diluted - Permanent liminal litter - Abyss - Calypso Deep - Blood in the water - Sea debris - The missing - Wandering - Limbo - Permanent liminality - Strait of Gibraltar - Sabratah - Black Mediterranean - Europa Point - Afrotunnel Motoscafi blu - Jetski - Ghost(ed) ship - Daymark.- Stand-off - Moralscape - Crisis - About the cracks - A boat (for the Mediterranean) - Mapping liquid traces - Heaving line - Gangway Boza ! - Landing - The land - Port of call - Hotspot - Migrant - Asylum seeker - Transmigration
Illegalized migrant - Refugee - Waraq - Eurodac - Dubliners - Fingerprint - Liminal entities
Blue-feet hybridity - Permanent liminality