Engy Mohsen and Soukaina Joual

Machi Mashy, or in Other Words “Not Working”

Published in 2022 (Egypt), Arabic, ISBN 978-977-94-3099-7, 180 Pages, Edition of 300. 

“Machi Mashy” are false friends or faux amis, homonyms, or form the case of Jinas Tam in Arabic. In Moroccan darija, “Machi” is used as a form of negation when it precedes a verb or noun. In Egyptian a’ameya, “Mashy” is used for approval and it conjugates from the verb “Masha”, agreeing with one’s opinion. If we combine “Machi Mashy”—and considering what’s mentioned—both words cancel out each other, becoming a phrase that negates itself, meaning “Not Working”.

This publication contains different types of articles and creative texts that reflect on dialects and deal with language as a medium and a subject at the same time, with a focus on models from three regions of the Arab world: Egypt, Morocco and the Levant. From the rhetoric of our daily conversation, to the qualitative terms that permeate our artistic practices. Writing, translation, and publishing practices demonstrate attempts to create a more comprehensive view of language use that goes beyond our own narratives and personal experiences. Therefore, we seek through this publication to create a space for mutual dialogue between speakers (especially artists) from Arabic-speaking countries.

40Mustaqel, Adele Jarrar, Ala Younis, Batool El Hennawy, Hussein El-Hajj,
Hussein Shikha, Rawia Sadek, Shatha Al-Deghady, Abdelbaar Mounadi Idrissi, Abdellah Karroum,
Farouk El Merrakchi, Farah Hallaba, Lina Mounzer, Mohamed Abdelkarim, Mays Albaik, MOONI
Studio, Nassim Azarzar, Huda Zikry.

Foreword - Abdellah Karroum
Machi Mashy: A H(ij)acked Tongue - Engy Mohsen & Souakina Joual
Which Language Are We Speaking Of? - Mohamed Abdelkarim
Workshop I: Cairo
The Foundations of your Thought in Darija - Farouk Elmerrakchi
Workshop II: Rabat
The Sculptural Process of Language - Mays Albaik
Glossary of Art Terms
Workshop III: Online
I Grew Tired of Radical Education - Engy Mohsen 
Trash Talk: On Translating Garbage - Lina Mounzer
Habashataknat included in the Colloquial - Adele Jarrar 
But these forms need to be created
Longing for Community
Photo album

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 🇵🇸 We Will Not Stand by in Silence: ︎︎︎ Read the Statement & Add your Name to the Signatories ✦ 🇵🇸 Read the latest text by Karim Kattan, At the Threshold of Humanity: Gaza is not an Abstraction ✦ 🇵🇸 Visit our page Resources for Palestine for a compilation of texts, films, podcasts, statements and ways to donate. Arab Artists Now: Art, Labour and Revolutionary Change Open Call for Artists
🇵🇸 We Will Not Stand by in Silence:  ︎︎︎ Read the Statement & Add your Name to the Signatories🇵🇸 Read the latest text by Karim Kattan, At the Threshold of Humanity: Gaza is not an Abstraction  ✦  🇵🇸 Visit our page Resources for Palestine for a compilation of texts, films, podcasts, statements and ways to donate. Arab Artists Now: Art, Labour, and Revolutionary Change Open Call for Artists  ✦