
No talking to police

Published in 2021, English & Dutch, self-published, 52 Pages. 

No talking to the policeTranscriptions of conversations between dominantly white, Dutch-speaking people who are doing something activistand the Dutch police, published as plays.

 Eviction play
A police spokesperson prevents the illegal
eviction of a squat.
 Up the tree
Annabel tries to defend a tree from the people
that want to chop it.
 After the protest
Heike is a target of police intimidation after
a protest.
 Childish
A cop tries to send a bystander of an illegal
eviction of a squat away.
 Go outside
A cop arrests a pro-Palestine activist.
 Through the window
Police expects to find burglars in a house but
instead finds four young squatters.
 Article 184
Activist gets violently arrested without legal
 Group formation
Someone walking to a protest gets arrested
before they get there.

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 🇵🇸 We Will Not Stand by in Silence: ︎︎︎ Read the Statement & Add your Name to the Signatories ✦ 🇵🇸 Read the latest text by Karim Kattan, At the Threshold of Humanity: Gaza is not an Abstraction ✦ 🇵🇸 Visit our page Resources for Palestine for a compilation of texts, films, podcasts, statements and ways to donate. Arab Artists Now: Moving Memory Open Call for Artists
🇵🇸 We Will Not Stand by in Silence:  ︎︎︎ Read the Statement & Add your Name to the Signatories🇵🇸 Read the latest text by Karim Kattan, At the Threshold of Humanity: Gaza is not an Abstraction  ✦  🇵🇸 Visit our page Resources for Palestine for a compilation of texts, films, podcasts, statements and ways to donate. Arab Artists Now: Moving Memory Open Call for Artists  ✦