Dear Friends and Supporters,

Dear Friends and Supporters,

After a year of intensive remote working and our launch last April, we entered our second year running with exciting new commissioned texts, podcasts, sharing opportunities and much more. As we enter 2022, we would be grateful if you consider supporting K-oh-llective with a new year’s gift.

Your support will help us continue what we do. It will allow us to fund more texts, podcasts, as well as publications and the maintenance of our website.

Your generous donations can keep critical art conversations going!

With Gratitude,
K-oh-llective ✋

How to donate?

Online/Anywhere in the world:

If you are facing any trouble with PayPal or if you prefer to make a donation through a direct bank transfer in Egypt, Morocco, UK or Europe, write to us for more info at ✉️

Please let us know if you wish to add your name to our list of generous supporters.

 🇵🇸 We Will Not Stand by in Silence: ︎︎︎ Read the Statement & Add your Name to the Signatories ✦ 🇵🇸 Read the latest text by Karim Kattan, At the Threshold of Humanity: Gaza is not an Abstraction ✦ 🇵🇸 Visit our page Resources for Palestine for a compilation of texts, films, podcasts, statements and ways to donate. Arab Artists Now: Moving Memory Open Call for Artists
🇵🇸 We Will Not Stand by in Silence:  ︎︎︎ Read the Statement & Add your Name to the Signatories🇵🇸 Read the latest text by Karim Kattan, At the Threshold of Humanity: Gaza is not an Abstraction  ✦  🇵🇸 Visit our page Resources for Palestine for a compilation of texts, films, podcasts, statements and ways to donate. Arab Artists Now: Moving Memory Open Call for Artists  ✦