K-oh-llective (or KOH in short) is an artist group of five visual artists who have a shared desire to facilitate collective conversations around art practices. This platform is used for resource-sharing among artists, writers and curators in Egypt and the Arab world who are in need of this content and critical discourse. It features an open-source library with a database of essential tools for arts practitioners, as well as a selection of podcasts, texts and discussions. It stages online/offline studio visits and acts as a conduit for future art-making and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Nada Elkalaawy
Aka: Sad Apple
Year of birth: 1995
Place of residence: London
Horoscope: Gemini
Fav colour: Cobalt Blue
Artspeak jargon:
Most used words: “When’s deadline?”
Most used emojis: 😬 💯 🌝
Zoom Persona: Where is everyone?
Worst enemy: Bad paintings
Practice in 1 word: Layering
Role in KOH: Grammatical correctness
To stalk: nadaelkalaawy.com

Engy Mohsen
Aka: Qween of Memez
Year of birth: 1995
Place of residence: Zürich
Horoscope: Cancer
Fav colour: Black
Artspeak jargon:
Most used word: “Guys”
Most used emojis: 🤭 💿 😏
Zoom Persona: The Hostess
Worst enemy: Piling deadlines
Practice in 1 word: Collaborations
Role in KOH: Tech savvy
To stalk: engymohsen.com

Mohamed Al Bakeri
Aka: El Hag Metwali
Year of birth: 1991
Place of residence: Sierre
Horoscope: Capricorn
Fav colour: Pink
Artspeak jargon:
Most used word: “Actually”
Most used emoji: 😅 ⚡ 💅
Zoom Persona: Puppy pop-ups
Worst enemy: Snakey attitude
Practice in 1 word: Sensibility
Role in KOH: Beauty tips
To stalk: @mohamedalbakeri

Soukaina Joual
Aka: Sheikha Soukaina
Year of birth: 1990
Place of residence: Rabat
Horoscope: Aquarius
Fav colour: Dark Green
Artspeak jargon:
Most used words: “Not bad”
Most used emojis: 🥺 🙌 😂
Zoom Persona: Joining from bed
Worst enemy: No artist fees/exposure
Practice in 1 word: The Body
Role in KOH: Made-up words
To stalk: soukainajoual.com

Rania Atef
Aka: The Mother Artist
Year of birth: 1988
Place of residence: Cairo
Horoscope: Cancer
Fav colour: White
Artspeak jargon:
Most used word: “Bonjour”
Most used emojis: 😀 🦄 😍
Zoom Persona: Bad internet
Worst enemy: Rejection letters
Practice in 1 word: Animal-kingdom
Role in KOH: Energy management
To stalk: raniaatef.com